Press Release, Handout and Press Note

Press Release, Handout and Press Note

Write note on Press Release, Handout and Press Note and also explain how these are different from one another in style and structure? Press Release: A press release, news release, media release, press statement or video release is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy. Typically, they are mailed on a tissemis, faxed, or e-mailed to assignment editors at newspapers, magazines, radio stations, television stations, or television networks. Tom Kelleher states in his book, Public Relations Online: Lasting Concepts for Changing Media, that “given that your news-driven publics include bona fide journalists as well as others who read and report news online, the term news release seems to work better online than press release”. Fraser Seitel also refers to press releases as being, “the granddaddy of public relations writing vehicles.” Press/news release is one of the most […]

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Persuasion, Its Components, Principles and Techniques

What do you know about Persuasion? Explain its components, principles and techniques in detail. Persuasion : Persuasion refers to the process by which a person’s attitudes or behaviour are, without duress, influenced by communication. Persuasion pervades over almost all human activities and it is geared to information transmission in such a way as to get people to revise old pictures (Predisposition) in their minds, or form new ones, and thus change their behaviour. To some others persuasion is seen as “Communication to influence choices”. Still to others it is “a process that changes attitude, belief, opinion or behaviour”. Actually, we try to sell ideas, concepts, products etc. through the art of persuasion. Persuasion may be carried out in offices, workplaces, homes, etc. by fellow workers or neighbours. Persuasion has been treated as an art, a craft and a science since ancient times and classical thinkers like Aristotle and Cicero devoted […]

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Origin & Development of Public Relation in Pakistan

Q4.   Explain the origin and development of Public Relations in Pakistan. Origin of Public Relation in Pakistan: Like other parts of the globe, in the areas now constituting Pakistan, PR was practised in one form or the other, even thousands of years ago. The rulers of South Asia sub-continent made use of rocks and specially constructed monuments to convey royal proclamations and decrees and/ or to highlight their achievements. The rt>yal proclamations, the words of wisdom and Achievements of some rulers of the bygone days can be seen carved on some rocks near Mansehra, Gilgitand other areas in the northern Pakistan even to day . Ashoka’s (about 300B.C) royal decrees appear on a rock near the present city of Mansehra in NWFP. The main purpose of these carvings on rocks/monuments was the desire of the ruler to keep a constant channel of communication, and thus g sustained understanding, with the […]

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Basic Concepts and Tools of Public Relations

Explain in detail the basic concepts and tools of Public Relations. Basic Concepts and Tools of Public Relations: Public relations is usually confused with advertising, press agentry, propaganda, publicity, public affair if etc., but these are some of the tools used by the all absorbing discipline of public relations for achieving its objectives. A public relations campaign may include all or some of them but it is not confirmed to any one of the same. Some of the basic concepts and tools of public relations have been discussed in the following paragraphs: Publics In Public Relations the term ‘public.’ is used for those people or group of people who are directly or indirectly concerned with the organisation, use its services/products or benefit from jt in one form or another and/or affected by its policies/programmes. In other words it is a group or groups of people who are tied together by […]

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Kinds of Advertising

Describe different kinds of advertising. Explain with examples. Kinds of Advertising: Advertising includes those activities by which visual or oral messages are addressed to the public for the purpose of informing and influencing them to buy merchandise or services. These activities of advertising must tell the story of product, service, idea, person etc. Its basic appeal may be the same, but the shades and variations of the sales message must match the variety of merchandise. These different shades and variations of the message are actually different kinds of advertising. So, classification of kinds of advertising are established in accordance with the purpose of writers. Advertising can be classified from different angles, such as according to media, type of product, service, idea, institution, type of appeal; character of action sought, and so on. Different kinds of advertising with variety of appeals and messages are used to push the product ahead in […]

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Advertising and Objectives of Advertisment

Explain the general objectives of advertising after explaining different definitions of advertising. Advertising: Advertising is an art of the seller in which he introduces ideas, goods and services for the buyer through the media of mass communication. Advertising is many things to many people; to a house wife, it is a source of information to guide her for family purpose; to a forest ranger, it is a smoky hear; to a printer and publisher it is what to pay for printing; and for a manufacturer it is a means of talking simultaneously with hundred and thousand people. Advertising plays a vital role in the economical structure of a society. As part of our social life, advertising greatly affects our lifestyle. Advertisement is a vital marketing tool as well as powerful communication force calling something for attention of the people, especially by paid announcements. Definition of Advertising Different experts. Have defined […]

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