Raw Materials for News story

Raw Materials for News story

News reporter to what extent would you go in search of raw materials for  a news story? Reporters are always looking for news — that is, something “new” or “different.” So are their editors. Ideas that make it into the news are said to be “newsworthy.” For your project or research to make news, it has to be newsworthy in the reporter’s mind. What, exactly, fits the bill of being “newsworthy”? Of course, controversy makes news. But your work doesn’t have to be controversial to be “newsworthy.”   Here are some other ways your research can be newsworthy: 1. Is it truly new — or a “new” way of thinking about an old issue? A recent story –“Do people need 8 hours of sleep a night?” — is an example of a research finding that was newsworthy. Reporters are interested in a scientific breakthrough that will affect the lives of […]

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Use of different Print media for Development Support Communication

Explain the use of different print media for DSC activities Electronic media and print media for development support communication include: Broadcasting, in the narrow sense, for radio and television. Many instances of various types of recorded discs or tapes. In the 20th century, these were mainly used for music. Video and computer uses followed. Film, most often used for entertainment, but also for documentaries. The Internet, which has many uses and presents both opportunities and challenges. Examples can include Blogs and podcasts (such as news, music, pre-recorded speech, and video) Mobile phones, which can be used for rapid breaking news and short clips of entertainment like jokes, horoscopes, alerts, games, music, and advertising Publishing, including electronic publishing Video games, which have developed into a mass form of media since cutting-edge devices such as the PlayStation 3, XBox 360, and Wii broadened their use Audio recording and reproduction Sound recording and […]

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The Print Media Revolution

The Print Media Revolution While paper and block printing developed in China around 100 C.E. and 1045, respectively, what we recognize as modern printing did not emerge until the middle of the fifteenth century. At that time in Germany, Johannes Gutenberg’s invention of movable metallic type and the printing press ushered in the modern print era. Printing presses and publications then spread rapidly across Europe in the late 1400s and early 1500s. Early on, many books were large, elaborate, and expensive. It took months to illustrate and publish these volumes, and they were usually purchased by wealthy aristocrats, royal families, church leaders, prominent merchants, and powerful politicians. Gradually, however, printers reduced the size and cost of books, making them available and affordable to more people. Books eventually became the first mass-marketed products in history. The printing press combined three elements necessary for mass-market innovation. First, machine duplication replaced the tedious […]

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Page Makeup Design, Importance in Newspapers

what is page makeup design and what is its importance in journalism?? what are the various types used for front page makeup in daily Newspapers? Various Types Used for Front Page Makeup PRODUCTION PROCESS Producing a newspaper requires steady flow and supply of good stories, hard work, films, plates and above all, ingenuity. To keep that flow evenly paced and uninterrupted a newspaper producer requires clear organization, constant supervision and direction, and the most careful and earnest cooperation of his team-mates. Covering, writing.and editing stories; picture taking and editing; and other news gathering responsibilities are done by reporters, editors, and photographers. Planning ahead, making of proper assignments, clearing the news wire machines regularly, editing and proof-reading are essential for efficient production. After the composition of material, the printing process takes place. Engraving department furnishes photocopy type proofs in reverse. A combination of careful planning, reliable lighting equipment, and its regular […]

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Ours is a society that generally respects and believes its scientists. Science is one of the fundamental reasons why we enjoy our admirable standard of living and have a growing understanding of the world around us. But not all scientists are revered equally. British astronomer and philosopher John D. Barrow opened his 1998 book, Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, with this observation on the value of science and its practitioners: Bookshelves are stuffed with volumes that expound the successes of the mind and the silicon chip. We expect science to tell us what can be done and what is to be done. Governments look to scientists to improve the quality of life and safeguard us from earlier “improvements.” Futurologists see no limit to human inquiry, while social scientists see no end to the raft of problems it spawns. (p. 1) The physical scientists and engineers […]

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Ethics in Advertising Media & Self, Government and Media Regulations

Ethics in Advertising Lack of acceptable code of ethics in advertising is a worldwide phenomenon. Morality in advertising varies from country to country. An advertisement may be morally acceptable in one part of the world, whereas, it may be against the code of morality in another part of the world. Ethics in advertising is a complex issue to define. Nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. For example, sex before marriage in Pakistan is largely considered as immoral, while it is conceded as desirable in the west. Demonstration of birth control method in advertising is undesirable for the religious society in Pakistan whereas the same is mandatory in China. Thus morality in advertising is a complex phenomena. Determination of ethical conduct is subjective and vague and is varying among different cultures and different environmental conditions. The primary objective of advertising in any society is to influence the […]

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