The Exponential Principle in Culture

The Exponential Principle

  The Exponential Principle This theory states that, as the cultural base grows, its possible uses tend to grow in a geometric ratio. To illustrate: if we have only two chemicals in a laboratory, only one combination (A-B) is possible (A-B-C, A-B, A-C, and B-C,), with four chemicals, ten combinations; with five chemicals, twenty-five/ and so on. As the size of the culture base grows by addition, the possible combinations of these elements grow by multiplication. This helps to explain today’s high rate of discoveries and invention. A vast accumulation of scientific technical knowledge is shard by all the civilized societies, and from this base new inventions and discoveries flow in a rising tide.  Values To understand the term “value” in it true sociological sense, it is, absolutely necessary to discuss the elements of culture. Norms Norms are shared rules or guidelines that prescribe the behaviour that is appropriate in a […]

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Basic Concepts and Tools of Public Relations

Explain in detail the basic concepts and tools of Public Relations. Basic Concepts and Tools of Public Relations: Public relations is usually confused with advertising, press agentry, propaganda, publicity, public affair if etc., but these are some of the tools used by the all absorbing discipline of public relations for achieving its objectives. A public relations campaign may include all or some of them but it is not confirmed to any one of the same. Some of the basic concepts and tools of public relations have been discussed in the following paragraphs: Publics In Public Relations the term ‘public.’ is used for those people or group of people who are directly or indirectly concerned with the organisation, use its services/products or benefit from jt in one form or another and/or affected by its policies/programmes. In other words it is a group or groups of people who are tied together by […]

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