Factors Influencing the Media Selection

Elaborate the factors responsible for selection of media for advertising campaign? Factors Influencing the Media Selection: The problem of selection of the best medium or media for a particular advertiser will vary greatly, depending on the particular situation, circumstances and different other factors in which a person is conducting individual business. Media selection involves a basic understanding of the capabilities and costs of the major media. The problems which the advertising has to face in the selection of media are: Profile of the target market Coverage or exposure Frequency Continuity Impact Copy formulation Media cost and media availability. In addition to these problems there are a number of other major factors which influence the decision of the advertiser and therefore, the same must be considered while selecting the media. The most significant of these factors are: Objectives of the campaign Budget available Research concerning client The product Type of message […]

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Good Advertising Copy Attributes, Visualization and Layout

What is the attributes of a good advertising copy? Explain with examples. Also explain the importance and principles of visualization and lay out in a copy. Good Advertising Copy Attributes: The essence of special functions to be accomplished by the advertisement must also be kept in mind by the copywriter. He/she should understand the overall plan of the advertisement when considering the actual wording to be used to convey the want- satisfying qualities of the product to the prospect, and then to show how it will satisfy his/ her desires. One must understand the medium in which the advertisement is to appear. And then according to the nature, reach and availability of the medium the size and pattern of advertising copy should be prepared. If an attempt is to be made to induce immediate action and sales, oile may wish to include specific suggestions in the copy as to when […]

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Development of Advertising in Pakistan

Q.5 Describe the development of advertising in Pakistan. How is it similar or different from rest of the world?   Development of Advertising in Pakistan: Big organizations in Pakistan had a restricted spectrum of advertising alternatives for a substantial number of years and electrifying original media frequently obtainable all through the globe were as good as unheard of. However, al that became the past in the late nineties as the need for unique types of ads grew as a bigger number of organizations competed for a portion of the spreading market. One such form was digital printing that could be employed for many indoor and outdoor purposes. Outdoor ads and store signage in Pakistan were mostly oil painted and were challenged with different concerns such as fading of colors and mediocre composition, with most hoardings and shop frames being manufactured with low gauge metal sheets or plastic. A number of […]

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Kinds of Advertising

Describe different kinds of advertising. Explain with examples. Kinds of Advertising: Advertising includes those activities by which visual or oral messages are addressed to the public for the purpose of informing and influencing them to buy merchandise or services. These activities of advertising must tell the story of product, service, idea, person etc. Its basic appeal may be the same, but the shades and variations of the sales message must match the variety of merchandise. These different shades and variations of the message are actually different kinds of advertising. So, classification of kinds of advertising are established in accordance with the purpose of writers. Advertising can be classified from different angles, such as according to media, type of product, service, idea, institution, type of appeal; character of action sought, and so on. Different kinds of advertising with variety of appeals and messages are used to push the product ahead in […]

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Advertising and Objectives of Advertisment

Explain the general objectives of advertising after explaining different definitions of advertising. Advertising: Advertising is an art of the seller in which he introduces ideas, goods and services for the buyer through the media of mass communication. Advertising is many things to many people; to a house wife, it is a source of information to guide her for family purpose; to a forest ranger, it is a smoky hear; to a printer and publisher it is what to pay for printing; and for a manufacturer it is a means of talking simultaneously with hundred and thousand people. Advertising plays a vital role in the economical structure of a society. As part of our social life, advertising greatly affects our lifestyle. Advertisement is a vital marketing tool as well as powerful communication force calling something for attention of the people, especially by paid announcements. Definition of Advertising Different experts. Have defined […]

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