Chapter# 3: THE RISE OF MEDIA INDUSTRIES AND MASS SOCIETY THEORY (Review) First Amendment Guarantees freedom of speech, press, assembly, and religion Culture war Struggle to define the cultural foundation of the broader social order in which we live THE RISE OF YELLOW JOURNALISM At the beginning of the twentieth century, every industry had its barons, and the most notorious—if not the greatest—of the press lords was Hearst. Hearst specialized in buying up failing newspapers and transforming them into profitable enterprises. He demonstrated that the news business could be as profitable as railroads, steel, or oil. One secret to his success was devising better strategies for luring low income readers. His newspapers combined a low-selling price with innovative new forms of content that included lots of pictures, serialized stories, and comic strips. Some experts even say that yellow journalism got its name from one of the first comic strips: “The Yellow […]

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Sources of Change in a Society, obstacles and methods of reducing resistance to change

What are the sources of change in a society? Also explain the obstacles to change and methods of reducing resistance to change. Perhaps the three most powerful sources of social change today are ideas, technology, and institutions. Expressed in more philosophical terms, we could say sources of social change are ideological, material, and structural. In earlier times, a more simple polarity of understanding claimed that meaning (ideas) arose out of belonging or that belonging arose out of meaningful ideas. In either case, ideas and belonging were understood to be the sources of social change. In earlier centuries, social change was generally regarded as negative. Social order and stability were deemed to be normal, necessary, and not negotiable. Social change was discouraged, negated, put down, or at least limited by established authorities such as kings, religious institutions, tradition, and entrenched powers. The sources of social change were held in check by […]

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Advertising’s Role in Contemporary Society

What role does advertising play in the contemporary society? Also explain its advantages and disadvantages. Advertising’s Role in Contemporary Society: Advertising is paid publicity. It is a commercial message that offers a product or a service for sale. It is controlled and paid for, by the initiator, at the rates set by the medium used. Advertising may appear in any of the standard medium, such as newspaper, magazine, radio, TV, bill board, or handbill. Usually the name of the product, its description and price is highlighted in the advertisement. In the last few years, the influence of advertisements has grown to this noticeable extent that any medium of communication nowadays is replete with advertising. We people belong to a global village where everyone known about others and the news of latest happenings spread throughout the world within short span of time. So the innate desire of the man to get […]

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