Economic Aspects of Advertising

Economic Aspects of Advertising

Economic Aspects of Advertising: Following are the economic aspects of advertising: 1. Advertising is the spokesman of a businessman: Advertising tells the thing about the product, what the manufacturer wants to tell. 2. Product information: Advertising informs the people about the product, its uses and qualities. 3. Advertising motivates the people to make a buying decision: Advertising tells all the characteristics and qualities of the product in such an appealing way that it motivates the people to make a buying decision. 4. It increases the sale of the product: When people will make a buying decision definitely this will result in increase in the sale of the product. 5. Advertising make the company known: Advertising carries the message of the product alongwith trade mark which makes the company known among the people. 6. It dispel wrong impression: In case people have wrong impression towards a product, advertising is used to […]

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Obstacles to Economic Development in Pakistan

Point out various obstacles to economic development of Pakistan and also narrate the current status of Pakistan’s economy. Obstacles to Economic Development in Pakistan Anything that makes slow the process of economic development is called obstacles to its functioning. The various obstacles to the Economic development 0″ Pakistan may be categorized as economic, social, cultural, administrative and political. Economic Obstacles Inadequacy of natural resources Natural resources are comprised of geographical configuration, soil, climate water resources, minerals etc. No country in the world is self-sufficient in this respect but fair degree of resources is needed for economic growth. In this respect, the position of Pakistan is not so discouraging but the overa’. position of Pakistan this respect is not so rich. There are problems of salinity, water logging, floods, droughts, lack of forests, oil and gas, iror. gypsum, coal, copper, water, etc. Under-developed human resources. The labour force in developing […]

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