Problems & Issues faces by Development Support Communication Manager

What are the problems and issues being faced by a DSC Manager while launching DSC Campaign in Pakistan?

There are different factors, which may act as problem to communication a result in no communication of message; the chief factors that affect the development support communication are the following:

1. Noise

2. Distortions

3. Filtering

4. Selective Perceptions

5. Language

6. Non-Verbal Cues

7. Defects In Message Itself

8. Deficiency In Communication Skills

9. Difference in Understanding Levels

10. Emotional Status

11. Stereotyping

12. Gender Difference

1 Noise:

Noise is most commonly regarded factor that interfaces with sharing meaning. Noise may be internal or external?

Internal voices are sights, sound or any other thing that draws a person’s attention away from what is being communicated to him. Internal noises are thoughts and feelings that interface with the communication process. Another sort of noise is semantic noise. Semantic noises are the unintended meanings aroused by certain symbols. Whether internal, external or semantic, a noise remains a major factor that results in no communication or an imperfect communication.

a. Physical Noise:

Obstruction caused by environment this factor is termed as physical noise. This may be including noise of other people talking and passing traffic etc. this may prevent a message from being heard clearly.

b. Technical Noise:

This involves in the failure of the medium of communication. It includes crackles on telephone line or illegible handwriting etc. this may prevent the exchange of communication.

c. Social Communication:

It is the interference caused by the differences in personality and cultures of the members communicating. It includes difficulties faced by people who have differences in ages, cast, and social status etc.

2. Distortion:

Reference to the way in which meaning of the communication is lost in handling. It occurs largely at the encoding and decoding stages of communication.

3. Filtering:

Filtering refers to a sender’s purposely changing of information so the receiver will see it more favorably. e.g. when a manager tells his boss, what he feels his boss wants to hear, he is filtering information. Flattering is the best example of filtering.

4. Selective Perception:

The receiver in communication process sees and heard things in a selective way, based on his needs, motivation, experiences, background and other personal characteristics. The receiver also projects his interest and expectation into communication as he decodes the message.

5. Language:

Words mean different things to different people. Age, education, and cultural background are they’re of the most common variable that has influence on the language a person uses and the definition he gives to words. The language used by factory workers is different form that used by chief executive. In an organization employees usually come from different background. Further, the grouping of employees in to department creates the use of a technical language familiar with those in that department.

6. Non -Verbal Cues:

Non-verbal communication is almost always accompanied by oral communication. As long as the two are in agreement, they act to reinforce each other. My boss’s words tell me, he is angry, his tone and body movements indicate anger; so I can conclude, probably correctly, and that he is angry then nonverbal cues are inconsistent with the oral massage, the receiver becomes confused and the clarity of the message suffers.

7. Defects In Message Itself:

The message being sent may be wrong. It may not be relevant or suitable to the purpose, recipient and content to the communication the sender may omit some information from the message.

Hence, making the message difficult to understand. The message includes more information than the receiver can digest in the time available. The lack credibility on parts of the sender. The message may be prepared and presented poorly.

8. Deficiency In Communication Skills:

The sender or receiver of the message may not be adept in communicating skills. He may have poor listening or reading skills. Similarly, he may not be able to understand non-verbal signals. He may fail to seek feedback or offer feedback. He may totally ignore feed back offered. Thus, the message being sent or received is misunderstood or not understood at all.

9. Difference In Understanding Levels:

Owing to difference in the mental approach, message becomes open to misunderstanding. It is quire possible that one particular word or symbol is assigned one meaning by the sender and another by the receiver. It is necessary that receiver and sender stand at the same level of understanding.

10. Emotional Status:

Another important factor that affect communication is the emotional state of the communicator. Equally important is the emotional state of mind of interaction is always likely to distort the perception of others.

11. Stereotyping:

Stereotyping means to have generalized perceptions about others. It is a fact that communication is seriously affected by stereotyped impressions. Sometimes communicators ignore individual difference between persons and organizations. They view and treat all persons and all organizations alike, identifying them as belonging to a general group. This type of treatment always runs the risk of distorting reality, which in turn affects the results of communication.

12. Gender Difference:

Every individual has an independent personality with distinct abilities, traits and dispositions. No two persons can be alike in their mental filters. These differences become louder when we compare the actions and reactions of the male sex with those of the female.

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