Online Advertisment & Platforms for e-commerce ads

Platforms for e-commerce ads E-commerce ads are necessary, whether you’re helping to launch a new e-commerce store or working for a thriving e-commerce business, one of the best ways to acquire new customers is through e-commerce advertising. E-commerce advertising is any form of online or offline advertising that raises awareness of and drives traffic to an e-commerce business. E-commerce advertising—along with other digital marketing tactics—can help support any e-commerce marketing strategy. In this reading, we’ll discuss some top online platforms through which to advertise your e-commerce products or services.  Google Ads   If you’ve taken previous courses in this program, you’ve learned how Google Ads can support a business’s digital marketing strategy. Google Ads is an ideal tool for e-commerce businesses that want to boost brand awareness or acquire new customers. Google Ads enables you to show Search ads on Google search engine results pages (SERPs) and place display ads on […]

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Market Research in Digital Marketing of E-Commerce

Introduction to Market Research in Digital Marketing Market research in digital marketing is the process of gathering information about consumers’ needs and preferences. In E-commerce it’s an important process because market research helps you determine the potential for growth and success within a specific business or industry. It can also help you tailor your marketing, advertising, and business policies to meet the needs and desires of your target audience. Your target audience is the group of people most likely to purchase your company’s products. Types of market research There are two ways you can go about gathering research information. The first is primary market research, which is research that’s done by you (or someone you hire to do it for you). It might include conducting surveys or interviews, directly observing someone interacting with a product, or conducting a focus group. The second type of market research is secondary market research, […]

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Important Steps for Marketing Media Planning

Digital media plan contents You learned in a video that a digital Marketing Media Planning contains details about where, when, and how often ads will appear across digital media channels in Marketing Media Planning, and includes the following information: Here are descriptions of each, along with the purpose they serve in a digital media plan.  Target audience A target audience is the group of people most likely to purchase the products or services being  advertised. Sometimes, a target audience is defined by a combination of customer personas that help marketers determine how to reach people using the right messages, offers, and products. A digital media plan should leverage customer personas as much as possible. A digital media plan can also include audience demographics, such as age, income, devices used, and preferred media for the content consumed. However, demographic  information might not be available from all customer personas. Purpose: A target […]

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Best Presentation Tips for Marketing Report Presentation

Best Presentation Tips for Marketing Report If you’re intimidated by giving presentations, you’re not alone. Public speaking makes many people feel nervous. But as with most things, the more you do it, the more natural it will feel. With time and practice, you’ll become more confident in your public speaking skills. In this reading, you’ll learn some tips for leading great presentations that keep your audience engaged. Best Presentation Tips for Marketing Report Tip 1: Speak clearly and slowly If you’re  nervous while presenting, you might speak too fast. You’ll want your audience to be able to clearly understand everything you say. So, it helps to pace yourself while you speak. You might even consider tapping your toe within your shoe to keep a rhythm while you speak. Tip 2: Allow for pauses Pauses display confidence and help set the pace for your presentation. Some ideal times to stop for […]

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Email Marketing Mistakes and Possible Solutions

How to fix email marketing mistakes As a digital marketer, you will make some mistakes—everyone does. But, it’s how you react to your mistakes that matters. In this reading, you will learn how to regain the trust of your users after you make a mistake. Mistakes in email marketing At some point, as a digital marketer, you’ll probably send emails out to a large number of people. This means that if there is a mistake in your email, several people may see it. That’s ok—as long as you take the following steps to correct and address the mistake. Then, when you land your first role as a digital marketer, feel free to keep this and use it as a checklist for yourself. Contingency plan:

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Write catchy newsletter copy in Email Marketing

Craft catchy newsletter copy Writing catchy newsletter copy emails is something that takes a lot of practice and patience. You won’t learn every skill you need to be a professional writer in this program, but you can use these tips to ensure you’re setting yourself up for success when crafting newsletter copy emails.   Write to add value As a digital marketer, your goal is to convince people to open, read, and click on the links in your marketing newsletter copy emails. To achieve this goal, write content they will want to engage with. Every email you send should add value to the subscriber in some way. Whether you’re introducing them to new products or services, making them laugh, or teaching them something new, each element in your emails needs to be thoughtful and intentional. Subject line A subject line of newsletter copy email is the first text recipients see after […]

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